Swing Baby
We’d driven until the road would go no more and all we could see was the sand and the Pacific Ocean. He’d shared about his hope for his last relationship and how it would have created space for multiple partners, yet even though his ex was bisexual and he considers himself queer, they ended up defaulting to the monogamous norm.
It can be tough to stay focused on the present while writing about the past. Being up North, my focus was solely on Mr. Wilderness. The way I managed my time did not permit me to share with you. Thinking back to that night on the beach in Mexico with BBLA, it feels like a lifetime ago when in fact it’s only been weeks since I was breathing in the saltwater air. I’ll see his posts on social media and briefly I’m reminded of our fun; how he had me on the sand, my jeans around my ankles, bent over while he ate me from behind.
We’d driven until the road would go no more and all we could see was the sand and the Pacific Ocean. He’d shared about his hope for his last relationship and how it would have created space for multiple partners, yet even though his ex was bisexual and he considers himself queer, they ended up defaulting to the monogamous norm.
BBLA was charming in that beat up, surfer-artist kind of way. His shoulder-length hair bleached out from the sun and the ocean water, his skin tanned from a lifetime spent outdoors. The night ended back in my apartment with him asking me to stick my ribbed dildo in his ass. He asked with such conviction that I didn’t take it slow. It wasn’t until after the sex ended that he revealed it was his first time trying something like that. I left Mexico a week later and didn’t see him again. Can you still call it a one night stand if you’ve texted and follow each other on social media?
Leaving BBLA in the past, I look now to the future. The more open Mr. Wilderness and I are regarding the nature of our relationship, the more I see the need to be transparent about our way of loving each other. In the North we are an anomaly; living in a region with more land, more farms and more animals than people, means that we’ve decided to ‘move slow’ when it comes to sharing the fact that we are in a committed, non-monogamous relationship. After all, we wouldn’t want to be pigeonholed as ‘those people’ in the way everyone refers to our neighbors as “the swingers,” insert eye roll here. My only question about our neighbors is, “How cute are they?”
The answer? Stay tuned.
Two For One
Finally our time came and the handsome kiteboarder arrived on my doorstep.
We matched shortly after I arrived in Mexico and had cute banter over text before setting up a phone call that left us both ready to meet in person. The polyamorous Kiter had been coming down to these parts for over a decade and stayed about an hour and a half from where I was. Between us it seems like every weekend was accounted for with out-of-town guests stopping in; he’s here with his wife to-be, a partner for the last six years, but his girlfriend of a year came down for a week, then my sister dropped in unexpectedly followed by my third date with Mr. Wilderness.
Finally our time came and the handsome kiteboarder arrived on my doorstep. We had fun and good sex… Not the kind where you can’t keep your hands off each other but the kind where you both have great orgasms. (Mr. Wilderness and his ability to get hard again and again immediately after orgasm has totally spoiled me.)
Things took an unexpected turn at dinner. We drove for ages down dirt roads towards the ocean to find a hidden gem restaurant. I joked that if I had not suggested the place and knew it was hard to find I’d think this was the part of the date where he kills me. **
Finally we arrive at the most lovely of Baja places, everything about the spot was perfection. In my attempt to find the damn place I’d called the number on Google which turns out to be the owner’s cell phone. How do I know this? I know, because after dinner the owner who had been flirting with me handed me a napkin with his number on it and invited me to come back on Monday evening for a karaoke night. When he hadn’t heard from me by Sunday afternoon he reached out, as he had my number from my desperate navigation attempt.
Naïve I was thinking this hot LA man was just trying to fill his venue with people; after a few messages it became abundantly clear that he had other intentions. When I didn’t make it to karaoke, he asked me to join him for tea and a sunset once he returned from Mexico City later in the week.
Bold is a man who asks you out while you’re on a date, especially when he doesn’t know that both parties on the date are Polly. I like bold. Let’s call him Baja based LA Artist or BBLA for short.
Next stop? Tea and sunset.
**(violence is very real and it’s always important when meeting someone for the first time after an online match to be smart and safe. I always have my location shared with someone near by when meeting up with a stranger.)
Third Date
His boldness to pick up and meet me for a journey such as this was a huge turn on and the trip could not have been more perfect. Mr. Wilderness had me swooning in ways I’m not used to.
His white rental truck pulled into the driveway of our Casita and I was instantly aroused. Who am I kidding, I’d been anticipating his arrival since our second in-person date which lasted three nights only four short weeks earlier.
Our third official date stretched for 10 nights and 11 days as we explored the beaches, mountains and cities along Mexico’s Baja California Sur Peninsula, as well as exploring each other. It was not the first time I’d traveled with a new beau, however usually one of us was working and it was never for such a lengthy time.
His boldness to pick up and meet me for a journey such as this was a huge turn on and the trip could not have been more perfect. Mr. Wilderness had me swooning in ways I’m not used to.
Perhaps it was watching him “handle” wild horses that were disturbing fellow travelers on the hidden Beach of Las Palmas; or perhaps it was the unbelievable sex inside a cave that ended in a massive climax just as the tide began to rise and the sand floor washed away beneath us? Either way, I was left with a full heart, a body that craves his touch and an overall satisfaction and simultaneous need for more.
Who really is this man? How can he keep up in an 11 day sex marathon, prepare absolutely delicious food and maintain engaging and mostly meaningful conversations for days on end?
I’m taken back to the feeling of waking up with his hands against my bare skin, his tongue between my legs, orgasm after orgasm as he continues to get hard again and again without a break. He’s about to turn 40 years old, but we fuck like we are teenagers. When I’m with him none of the others exist.
There is a small part of me that is waiting for the other shoe to drop. After all, this is his first exploration into non-monogamy and he has a date with a lovely sounding woman next week. We all know the importance of proximity and this other woman has me beat when it comes to that.
Will he fall for her? Will she be open to non-monogamy? I refuse to be concerned for what the future may or may not bring; that said, I’ve compromised my non-monogamous values in the past, before I was truly committed to this truth. If he isn’t committed the same could occur here.
It will be six weeks until we are together again and my mind will wander, recounting this never-ending date again and again as the desires I have continue to build. This distance is an aphrodisiac in itself.
In the meantime there may just be someone waiting in the wings and for now, that will have to do.
Enter stage right, The Kiter.
Lovers For Days
It’s been a while since I’ve taken a proper lover, could this sexy man from the East Coast be it?
I’m sitting in the garden a few hundred feet from the ocean; the morning sun beats down gently on my face, the sound of the waves crashing on the beach is infused with 1950s jazz softly humming over what seems to be an antique speaker or perhaps an old record player. My soul is both calm and relaxed but also on fire. Mr. Wilderness arrives in a few days and there is a new kind of excitement at play as I anticipate his arrival.
I wasn’t expecting to meet anyone before his visit, but the universe had other plans.
After the first night with Lover Boy there was a part of me that desired more. It’s been a while since I’ve taken a proper lover, could this sexy man from the East Coast be it?
Just as the night before he stood next to the red truck to collect me, only this time as he opened the door and offered me a lift into the cab, he pulled my wrap around a Pucci skirt to the side to reveal that I was naked. He licked my pussy right there for anyone to see.
We drove down the pitch black road that separated our places; for a desert the road was more jungle than not. He also had on nothing beneath his shorts and while he drove I leaned across the console and did my best to fit all of him in my mouth. Nothing like a little jungle-head.
What came next, pun very much intended, was out of this world sex. At one point I was upside down, my warm cheek pressed against the cool tile floor, ass in the air, my hips barely grazing the edge of the mattress. He was so-fucking-deep it was almost too much… almost. After the fourth or fifth orgasm (I lost count or perhaps the capacity to count) something happened.
I was on top, riding him hard when I started cumming; the intensity of the pleasure kept building stronger and longer and over a full minute later I was breathless, collapsed on his firm chest with his arms around me. “That was the longest and strongest orgasm I’ve ever had”. Truly, it felt like it would never end, “I think we may need to be lovers,” we looked at each other both still hungry for more.
He kissed me, “I’m not ready to let you go,” he smiled and slid inside me again. His words and actions aligned as he made me come once more before we parted ways.
He was Miami bound and we knew it would be months until we’d reconnect, but something told me he would be worth the wait.
Until then Lover Boy.
Unexpected Encounter
We were both breathless, he had me screaming so loudly his travel partner came in, concerned the neighbors were going to complain…
I knew he would be fun from his photos. Dating apps can be a blessing while traveling and with this match the universe was smiling down on me.
We were to meet Friday, but ended up connecting Thursday on account of a last-minute guest showing up at my Casita; a fortuitous upset to our plans as the lustiness of our fun had room to grow. He was in Mexico for two weeks and we met for dinner just two days before his departure.
He was waiting for me, standing next to a red truck and as I approached I knew I would kiss him immediately. His soft tongue slid inside my mouth and I bit down on his lower lip.
Let’s call him Lover Boy.
He took me for what can only be described as life-changing coconut shrimp tacos. As he fed me a piece of shrimp I proceeded to suck the sauce off his finger; the look on this man’s face said it all. It was not long before we were back at his Hacienda.
He slid the straps of my jumper down, revealing the black lace bodysuit that screamed, ‘I like to be bad’. He stood naked, freshly showered with his massive cock fully erect. Lifting me onto the bed he ate me aggressively, ass, pussy, clit, sucking so hard I nearly lost my mind.
After hours of orgasms he finally let himself go, “Thank God for condoms or I’m not sure I could’ve lasted”. He’d taken me for 2 hours before cumming himself.
We were both breathless, he had me screaming so loudly his travel partner came in, concerned the neighbors were going to complain (I think we all know that he wanted to get a glimpse of what all the fuss was about).
Personally, I don’t mind. It’s hot that the sex sounded so good he was inspired to watch. It’s too bad the travel friend wasn’t my speed or I would’ve asked him to join.
Do you like being watched?
Longer Distance
Eyelids gently closed, half awake, half asleep; the thoughts of the last week flooded my being with prickles of pleasure. There is no space, there’s no time, just touch.
I laid with my head resting against the back of the seat on the first flight of the day. Eyelids gently closed, half awake, half asleep; the thoughts of the last week flooded my being with prickles of pleasure. There is no space, there’s no time, just touch; I was transported back to those moments, his tongue pressing on my clit, softly licking me, the tip of his tongue pushing inside me making me crave all of him.
Mr. Wilderness had made the 6-hour drive South and when he stood at my door, his smile, that look in his eyes and the firmness of his kiss, I knew our time together was going to be intense. He has a gentle strength that is undeniably sexy.
The timeline is an absolute blur, but this man took me again and again until every time he slid inside me it was pure orgasms. Anyone who has read my previous affairs knows I can be a bit of a DOM (to say the very least) but something about Mr. Wilderness allowed me to fully submit and the pleasure that ensued was like nothing else I've ever had.
Now aboard the second flight of the day with 3 hours and 20 minutes until we’d be touching down on the coast of Baja California Sur, I put pen to paper. While crossing the snow capped mountainous terrain, I imagine him naked in his sauna, hand on his cock, wishing my legs were wrapped around his waist and our bodies sweating, unable to pull apart. Only a few hours until the 'summer' sunshine will once again grace my skin and only a few weeks until he’ll join me… Life is sweet and those videos he captured of us are even sweeter.
Like the intensity of my orgasms, my feelings for him deepen with each interaction. The image of his cock sliding inside me while I'm bent over the bed flashes across my phone screen and I'm grateful that the man seated next to me is fast asleep (all though who knows and who honestly cares about the people seated behind me). It's hard not to watch this over and over. This man can make love to me and capture the sexiness on film; I'm falling hard and I don't want it to stop. Four more weeks will pass before he lands on Mexican soil... not that I'm counting.